CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework which is a toolkit for people who build web sites using server scripting language PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much...
If you are looking to add and remove duplicate input fields, here’s another jQuery example below to do the task for you. This jQuery snippet adds duplicate input fields dynamically and stops when...
Creating 3D card objects is a good way to get started with 3D transform. But once you’ve mastered them, you’ll be hungry to push it further and create some true 3D objects: prisms. We’ll...
As we discuessed in installationa and configure post, how to installation with secure encryption key in config file. Now we are readdy for make any application in codegniter. In this post, i am explain...
In this Blog you can learn how to detect music beat and also you can learn how to do musical fun with unity gameObject. Step 1: Create Empty GameObject and give that name Musical Bars.Inside Musical Bar...
Hello Everyone, Welcome to my blog. Today I am going to make some icons using tricky & easiest Way. I really enjoyed working on this blog. Here I made all icons using these simple shapes. Firstly...
iOS 7 now gives you some useful functions for amazing animations in the UIKit dynamics classes set. Here you will learn how to create falling objects in your iOS application using UIGravityBehavior. Let’s...
Step 1:Create Database in MySql Step 2:Create Table Inside Unity Database Step 3:Create addScore.php and place into htdocs folder $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die('Could not...
2D design is the creation of two-dimensional images ...