Make Throw Like Pokemon Go

We are sure if you follow step by step then you will definitely succeed.

Step 1:Create Unity Blank Project and Design Scene like below image

Step 2:Go to : Edit->Project Settings->Physics  and do change like below Image

Step 3: Create Below Object in your Scene 

  1. Set Main Camera Properties
  2. Create Floor-Plan GameObject and Set Below Properties
  3. Create BallObject Prefab like Below Properties
  4. Create BallThrower GameObject with Below Properties
  5. Create Target GameObject
  6. Create Particle System and Set Below Properties and give that name CurveParticle

Step 4:Create Ball.cs and add it to BallObject Prefabe

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Ball : MonoBehaviour
    #region Private_Variables
    // Use this for initialization
    private bool isInFloor = false;
    private Rigidbody rigid;
    private bool isThrowed = false;
    private Vector3 initialPosition;
    private Quaternion initialRotation;
    public Vector3 initialScale;
    private IEnumerator jumpCoroutine;
    private bool isRotate = false;
    private Transform childBall;
    private bool isCurve = false;
    private float curveFactore = 0f;
    private float throwPos = 0f;
    private float windFactor = 1f;
    private bool isWind = false;
    private bool isNormalThrow = false;
    private bool isRotateLeft = true;
    private bool isParticleFollowBall = false;
    public Camera cam;
    public float objectScale = 1.0f; 
    #region Public_Variables
    #region Unity_Callbacks  
    void Start ()
        rigid = GetComponent ();
        //initalize gradually jump coroutine
        jumpCoroutine = GraduallyJumpCoroutine (0.3f);       
        childBall = transform.FindChild ("Ball");       
        StartCoroutine (jumpCoroutine);
        // record initial scale, use this as a basis
        initialScale = transform.localScale;         
        // if no specific camera, grab the default camera
        if (cam == null)
            cam = Camera.main; 
    void Update ()
        if (!isThrowed) {
            Plane plane = new Plane (cam.transform.forward, cam.transform.position); 
            float dist = plane.GetDistanceToPoint (transform.position); 
            transform.localScale = initialScale * dist * objectScale; 
        if (isRotate) {
            if (isRotateLeft)
                childBall.Rotate (Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime * 660);
                childBall.Rotate (-Vector3.right * Time.deltaTime * 660);
    void FixedUpdate ()
        float dist = 0f;
        if ( {
            dist = ( - transform.position.z);
        if (isCurve && dist <= (throwPos - (throwPos / 9.5f))) {
            if (!isWind)
                StartCoroutine (wind (0.5f));

            transform.Translate (Vector3.right * -curveFactore * windFactor * Time.deltaTime);
    void OnEnable ()
        initialPosition = transform.position;
    void OnCollisionEnter (Collision colliderInfo)
        if (isInFloor) {
            if (colliderInfo.gameObject.CompareTag ("target")) {
                isCurve = false;
        if (!isInFloor) {
            if (colliderInfo.gameObject.CompareTag ("floor")) {
                isInFloor = true;
                StartCoroutine (stop ());
            if (colliderInfo.gameObject.CompareTag ("target")) {
                isInFloor = true;
                colliderInfo.gameObject.SetActive (false);
                StartCoroutine (GotPokemonCoroutine (colliderInfo.gameObject));
    #region Private_Methods
    private void SetIsThrowed (bool flag)
        if (jumpCoroutine != null) {
            StopCoroutine (jumpCoroutine);
            jumpCoroutine = null;
        isThrowed = flag;
        //if object was getting throwing direction then don't rotate
        if (ThrowBall.Instance.IsGettingDirection)
            isRotate = false;
            isRotate = true;
        throwPos = ( - transform.position.z);
    public void ResetBall ()
        isThrowed = false;
        StopAllCoroutines ();

        //ball move to initial position
        StartCoroutine (MoveBackToInitialPositionCoroutine (0.3f));
    private void SetCurve (float cFactore)
        curveFactore = cFactore;
        isCurve = true;
    private void SetNormalThrow (float cFactore)
        curveFactore = cFactore;
        isNormalThrow = true;
    #region Public_Methods
    #region Properties
    #region Coroutine
    IEnumerator GotPokemonCoroutine (GameObject collidedObject)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);
        childBall.gameObject.SetActive (false);
        collidedObject.SetActive (true);
        Destroy (gameObject);
    IEnumerator wind (float t)
        isWind = true;
        float rate = 1.0f / t;
        float i = 0f;
        while (i<1.0f) {
            i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
            windFactor = Mathf.Lerp (1, 26, i);
            yield return 0;
    IEnumerator windReverse (float t)
        isWind = true;
        float rate = 1.0f / t;
        float i = 0f;
        while (i<1.0f) {
            i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
            windFactor = Mathf.Lerp (26, 0, i);
            yield return 0;
    IEnumerator stop ()
        isRotate = false;
        yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);
        Destroy (gameObject);        
    IEnumerator GraduallyJumpCoroutine (float tm)
        while (!isThrowed) {
            yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);        
            transform.position = initialPosition;
            if (ThrowBall.Instance.IsGameStart) {
                isRotateLeft = !isRotateLeft;
                isRotate = true;
                float i = 0f;
                float rate = 1.0f / tm;
                Vector3 from = initialPosition;
                Vector3 to = new Vector3 (from.x, from.y + 0.3f, from.z);    
                while (i<1.0f) {
                    i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (from, to, i);
                    //transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp (fromScale, toScale, i);
                    yield return 0f;
                i = 0f;
                rate = 1.0f / (tm / 0.7f);
                Vector3 bump = from;
                bump.y -= 0.05f;
                while (i<1.0f) {
                    i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (to, bump, i);
                    //    transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp (toScale, fromScale, i);
                    yield return 0f;
                isRotate = false;
                i = 0f;
                rate = 1.0f / (tm / 1.1f);
                while (i<1.0f) {
                    i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (bump, from, i);
                    yield return 0f;

    IEnumerator MoveBackToInitialPositionCoroutine (float tm)
        float i = 0f;
        float rate = 1.0f / tm;
        Vector3 from = transform.position;
        Vector3 to = initialPosition;
        while (i<1.0f) {
            i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp (from, to, i);
            yield return 0f;
        transform.position = initialPosition;
        childBall.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        isRotate = false;    
        //initalize gradually jump coroutine
        jumpCoroutine = GraduallyJumpCoroutine (0.3f);        
        StartCoroutine (jumpCoroutine);
    #region RPC


Step 5: Create TrowBall.cs and add it to BallThrower gameobject

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ThrowBall : MonoBehaviour
    #region Private_Variables
    private static ThrowBall throwPaperInstance;
    private float factor = 230.0f;
    private float startTime;
    public Vector3 startPos;
    private GameObject currentBall;
    private bool isGettingDirection = false;
    private bool isGameStart = true;
    public bool isCurveThrow = false;
    private Vector3 lastPos;
    private Vector3 lastPokeBallPosition =;
    private bool isStartRoate = false;
    List ballPos = new List ();
    List ballTime = new List ();
    // Use this for initialization
    float lastAngel = 0f;
    public int angleDirection = 0;
    float rotationSpeed = 2f;
    float totalX = 0f, totalY = 0f;
    int dLeft = 0, dRight = 0;
    #region Public_Variables 
    public Vector3 minThrow;
    public Vector3 maxThrow;
    public GameObject ball;
    private Transform currentBallChild;
    private float dist;
    private Vector3 v3Offset;
    private Plane plane;
    private bool ObjectMouseDown = false;
    public GameObject linkedObject;
    public Transform target;
    public ParticleSystem curveParticle;
    #region Unity_Callbacks
    void Awake ()
        throwPaperInstance = this;
    void Start ()
        StartCoroutine (GetBallCoroutine ());
    void Update ()
        if (currentBall) {
            transform.position = currentBall.transform.position;
        if (currentBall && isGettingDirection) {
            //Debug.Log ("M:" + Input.mousePosition);
            transform.position = currentBall.transform.position;
            float angle = 0f;
            if (currentBallChild != null) {
                Vector3 mouse_pos = Input.mousePosition;
                Vector3 player_pos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (currentBallChild.localPosition);               
                mouse_pos.x = mouse_pos.x - player_pos.x;
                mouse_pos.y = mouse_pos.y - player_pos.y;    
                angle = Mathf.Atan2 (mouse_pos.y, mouse_pos.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
            if (Vector3.Distance (currentBall.transform.position, lastPokeBallPosition) > 0f) {
                if (!isStartRoate) {
                    Invoke ("ResetPoint", 0.01f);
                } else {
                    Vector3 dir = (currentBall.transform.position - lastPokeBallPosition);                   
                   if (dir.x > dir.y) {
                        totalX += 0.12f;
                    } else {
                        if (dir.x != dir.y) {
                            totalY += 0.12f;
                    if (totalX >= 2 && totalY >= 2) {
                        isCurveThrow = true;
                        curveParticle.gameObject.SetActive (true);
                        if (curveParticle.isStopped) {
                            curveParticle.Play ();
                        curveParticle.transform.position = currentBall.transform.position;
                isStartRoate = true;
                if (angle > 0) {
                    if (lastAngel >= angle) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (lastAngel >= angle) {
                    } else {
                if (dLeft < dRight) {
                    angleDirection = 1;
                    if (currentBallChild != null)
                        currentBallChild.transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, 40f));
                } else {
                    angleDirection = -1;
                    if (currentBallChild != null)
                        currentBallChild.transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, -40f));
            } else {

                if (isStartRoate == true) {
                    StartCoroutine (StopRotation (angleDirection, 0.5f));
            lastAngel = angle;
            lastPokeBallPosition = currentBall.transform.position;
    private void ResetPoint ()
        if (!isStartRoate) {
            totalX = 0f;
            totalY = 0f;
            dLeft = 0;
            dRight = 0;
            isCurveThrow = false;
            startPos = currentBall.transform.position;
            ballPos.Clear ();         
            ballTime.Clear ();
            ballTime.Add (Time.time);            
            ballPos.Add (currentBall.transform.position);
            curveParticle.Stop ();
            curveParticle.gameObject.SetActive (false);
            ThrowBall.Instance.isCurveThrow = false;
    IEnumerator rotate (Quaternion from, Quaternion to, float t)
        float rate = 1.0f / t;
        float i = 0f;
        while (i<1.0f) {
            i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
            currentBallChild.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp (from, to, i);
            yield return 0;
    IEnumerator StopRotation (int direction, float t)
        isStartRoate = false;   
        float rate = 1.0f / t;
        float i = 0f;
        while (i<1.0f) {
            i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
            if (!isStartRoate) {
                if (direction == 1) {
                    if (currentBallChild != null)
                        currentBallChild.transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, 40f) * (Mathf.Lerp (rotationSpeed * totalX, 0, i)) * Time.deltaTime);
                } else {
                    if (currentBallChild != null)
                        currentBallChild.transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (0, 0, -40f) * (Mathf.Lerp (rotationSpeed * totalX, 0, i)) * Time.deltaTime);
            yield return 0;

        if (!isStartRoate) {           
            totalX = 0f;
            totalY = 0f;
            dLeft = 0;
            dRight = 0;
            isCurveThrow = false;
            rotationSpeed = 100f;
            curveParticle.Stop ();
            curveParticle.gameObject.SetActive (false);
    void OnMouseDown ()
        if (currentBall == null)
        plane.SetNormalAndPosition (Camera.main.transform.forward, currentBall.transform.position);
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
        float dist;
        plane.Raycast (ray, out dist);
        v3Offset = currentBall.transform.position - ray.GetPoint (dist);     
        ObjectMouseDown = true;
        if (!currentBall || !isGameStart)
        ballPos.Clear ();
        ballTime.Clear ();
        ballTime.Add (Time.time);
        ballPos.Add (currentBall.transform.position);        
        totalX = 0f;
        totalY = 0f;       
        dLeft = 0;
        dRight = 0;        
        isCurveThrow = false;        
        isGettingDirection = true;
        currentBall.SendMessage ("SetIsThrowed", true, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);        
        currentBallChild = currentBall.transform.FindChild ("Ball");
        StartCoroutine (GettingDirection ());    
    IEnumerator GettingDirection ()
        while (isGettingDirection) {
            startTime = Time.time;
            lastPos = startPos;
            startPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (currentBall.transform.position);
            startPos.z = currentBall.transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
            startPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (startPos);
            yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.01f);            
    void OnMouseDrag ()
        if (ObjectMouseDown == true) {
            if (!currentBall)
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
            float dist;
            plane.Raycast (ray, out dist);
            Vector3 v3Pos = ray.GetPoint (dist);
            v3Pos.z = currentBall.transform.position.z;
            v3Offset.z = 0;
            currentBall.transform.position = v3Pos + v3Offset;
            if (ballPos.Count > 0) {                           
                if (ballPos.Count <= 4) {
                    if (Vector3.Distance (currentBall.transform.position, ballPos [ballPos.Count - 1]) >= 0.01f) {
                        ballTime.Add (Time.time);
                        ballPos.Add (currentBall.transform.position);                        
                } else {
                    if (Vector3.Distance (currentBall.transform.position, ballPos [ballPos.Count - 1]) >= 0.01f) {
                        ballTime.RemoveAt (0);
                        ballPos.RemoveAt (0);
                        ballTime.Add (Time.time);
                        ballPos.Add (currentBall.transform.position);
            } else {
                ballPos.Add (currentBall.transform.position);
            if (linkedObject != null) { 
                linkedObject.transform.position = v3Pos + v3Offset;
    void OnMouseOut ()
        ObjectMouseDown = false;
    void OnMouseUp ()
        curveParticle.Stop ();
        curveParticle.gameObject.SetActive (false);
        isGettingDirection = false;
        if (!currentBall || !isGameStart)
        var endPos = Input.mousePosition;
        endPos.z = currentBall.transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
        endPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (endPos);
        int ballPositionIndex = ballPos.Count - 2;
        if (ballPositionIndex < 0)
            ballPositionIndex = 0;
        Vector3 force = currentBall.transform.position - ballPos [ballPositionIndex];        
        if (Vector3.Distance (lastPos, startPos) <= 0.0f) {
            currentBall.SendMessage ("ResetBall", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);
        //if downside
        if (currentBall.transform.position.y <= ballPos [ballPositionIndex].y) {
            currentBall.SendMessage ("ResetBall", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);

        //if not swipe
        if (force.magnitude < 0.02f) {
            currentBall.SendMessage ("ResetBall", SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);
        force.z = force.magnitude;
        force /= (Time.time - ballTime [ballPositionIndex]);
        force.y /= 2f;
        force.x /= 2f;    
        force.x = Mathf.Clamp (force.x, minThrow.x, maxThrow.x);
        force.y = Mathf.Clamp (force.y, minThrow.y, maxThrow.y);
        force.z = Mathf.Clamp (force.z, minThrow.z, maxThrow.z);
        //send message ball was thrown
        currentBall.SendMessage ("SetIsThrowed", true, SendMessageOptions.RequireReceiver);        
        if (isCurveThrow) {
            force.z -= 0.1f;
            if (angleDirection == 1) {
                if (force.z < 2.3f)
                    force.z = 2.3f;
                currentBall.SendMessage ("SetCurve", -0.2);
            } else {
                if (force.z < 2.3f)
                    force.z = 2.3f;

                currentBall.SendMessage ("SetCurve", 0.2);
        //get rigidbody
        Rigidbody ballRigidbody = currentBall.GetComponent ();
        //enable collider
        currentBall.GetComponent ().enabled = true;
        ballRigidbody.useGravity = true;
        ballRigidbody.AddForce (force * factor);
        StartCoroutine (GetBallCoroutine ());        
        currentBall = null;        
    #region Private_Methods
    #region Public_Methods
   public void GetNewBall ()
        if (currentBall != null)
            Destroy (currentBall);
        currentBall = Instantiate (ball, ball.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        //disable collider
        currentBall.GetComponent ().enabled = false;
    #region Properties

    /// Gets the instance.

    /// The instance.
    public static ThrowBall Instance {
        get {
            return throwPaperInstance;

    /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is getting direction.

    /// true if this instance is getting direction; otherwise, false.
    public bool IsGettingDirection {
        get {
            return isGettingDirection;
        }set {
            isGettingDirection = value;

    /// Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is game start.

    /// true if this instance is game start; otherwise, false.
    public bool IsGameStart {
        get {
            return isGameStart;
        }set {
            isGameStart = value;
    #region Coroutine    
    IEnumerator GetBallCoroutine ()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds (2.0f);
        if (currentBall != null)
            Destroy (currentBall);
            currentBall = Instantiate (ball, ball.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
            //disable collider
            currentBall.GetComponent ().enabled = false;
    #region RPC


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